Tag Archives: cream stout


Polite maple sap scent, rich burgundy palate, brown-sugared cocoa chalking, oncoming prune sourness, and roasted barley thickness consume savory lactose-aided deep brown-hued sipping stout. Some addictive characteristics reminiscent of Watney’s Red Barrel persist: blood-thickened mouthfeel; exquisite hop bouquet; and lusty caramel malts. Sweet milk chocolate creaminess soothes rather than dominates for an exceptional stout so heavily yeast-fermented and viscously full-bodied only the keg version could beat.


Frothy jet-black cream stout with scattered bronze lace merges slick chocolate-milked sweetness with vanilla hazelnut coffee romp as hop-toasted charred oats thicken molasses-tarred resolve. Slight astringency blocks resinous raisin-prune subsidy and wispy cherry tartness. Mild black chocolate finish picks up ethereal creaminess. 2017 re-tasting: Creamy dairy-free full body offers ten specialty malts to create caramel-burnt chocolate syruping, maple molasses sugaring and vanilla-spiced nuttiness above ashen dark-roast hop bittering.