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A virtual retreat away from the suburban sprawl of Rockland County and beyond New York City, Orange County’s WESTTOWN BREW WORKS came to life in rural seclusion during 2015. Built within the confines of a mountainous canyon in the tiny hamlet of West Town (a few miles northeast of Warwick’s bohemian village) this wood-furnished gray barnyard really soaks up the peaceful pastoral serenity of the rustic rolling hills.

On a beautiful sunny Sunday in July (2018), me and the wife (with dog in tow) enjoy some live acoustic music while sitting at one of the many patio tables perched outside the green aluminum-topped brewery.

Inside, the high-ceilinged venue, the elongated wood bar features tap handles below sidled American flags guarding the blackboard beer menu. Interestingly, Westtown’s also a hop farm.

We tried all five currently available brews while the music played pristinely in the backdrop.

First up, soft Belgian farmhouse ale, Wit Tail, laced subtle orange-peeled coriander sweetness with mild white wheat malts, picking up wispy mandarin orange, tangerine and grapefruit illusions.

Next, lemony orange-peeled moderation, Solar Scar Tripel, sweetened over time as its candi-sugared caramel malting and mild vanilla creaming came thru.

Approachable Farmhand India Pale Ale brought easygoing floral-spiced grapefruit, orange and pineapple tanginess to the fore as its mild piney bittering gained light hop peppering.

Sedately nut-charred Scouts Recipe Brown Ale provided walnut, peanut and hazelnut tones for its toffee setting.

Lastly, Shoo-Fly Dry Irish Stout retained moderately dry black chocolate bittering and muted brown-sugared molasses sweetness.



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