472. Garden State Beer Co, Galloway NJ, 2020 – Beer Appreciation


Residing a few miles west of Atlantic City just off the NJ Parkway in a gorgeous earth-toned stone edifice, Galloway’s GARDEN STATE BEER COMPANY opened for biz, March 2016, hiring current head brewer, Adam Curnow, a year hence.

Crafting a well-balanced variety of familiar contemporary styles with a flare for mild improvisation, Curnow’s crisply clean watered fare floated out of the twelve-plus tap handles at the right side back bar during my initial March ’21 trip.

Upon entry, there’s an impressive white-stoned left side hearth with a few couches, chairs and TV that counters the Christmas-string lit bar area (with stooled tables and mirrored side wall). The wood top bar features beautiful embossed tile and two TV’s corner the area. Brew tanks are staged to the far left and cans-crowlers are available.


Garden State Beer Co Makes Beer for the Garden State Great! - New Jersey  Isn't Boring

Straight-ahead Galloway Golden Ale stayed dryer than most, as grassy-hopped lemon spicing caressed honeyed pilsner malts with simple goodness.

Excellent lawnmower fodder, Cream Of The Crop retained more body and depth than its stymied competitors, as vanilla-creamed lager malting and dry ale yeast pungency received floral-perfumed hop spicing at the slightly bitter back end.

Infused with local Smithfield coffee beans, Cook’s Corner Coffee Cream let its light roast coffee frontage engage black-peppered espresso tones and mild orange rind acidity.

Earthen watermelon rind seeped into citric-hopped zesting for Don’t Go Chasing Watermelons, a white wheat-backed fruit ale with wispy cantaloupe-honeydew sweetness.

Spritzy lemon-dropped blueberry tartness gained a gunky sweet-tart pureed lacquering and light white peppered spicing for popular flagship Blue Jersey, a white wheat-based blonde moderation with herbal Noble hop wisps.

Tart lemon saffron spicing zapped Blueberry Lemon Meringue Sour, adding minor acidity to its blueberry-embittered lemon candy finish.

Toasty amber-grained dewy peat anchored moderate-bodied Irish Red Ale, Caddie Corner, sliding apple-skinned prickly pear crisping and spiced orange misting into leafy dry hop herbal musk.

Dry rye graining picked up fizzy lemon spritz for English pale ale, Pennsyltucky Rye, finishing with a black-peppered pumpernickel spicing.

Sharp dry-wooded yellow grapefruit zest penetrated Nor’easter, a bold East Coast IPA with juniper-licked orange rind bittering and peachy pineapple snips.

Vibrant double dry-hopped NEIPA, A Better Time, brought zestful yellow grapefruit tanginess to musky wet-grained dankness, juniper-embittered pine lacquering and brisk orange wisps.

Intensely hopped Nucky’s Empirical IPA countered bitter grapefruit rind zesting with raw honeyed graining and pine-lacquered dry gin liming.

Charcoal-stained dark cocoa resin, chalky black chocolate bittering and dark-roast hop sear fortified Rebels Black IPA, leaving musky black grape esters on the murky mocha mass.  Cinnamon-sticked cocoa nibs provided heat for Mexican Hot Chocolate Stout, an enticing wintry dessert.

Dark molasses gingerbread spicing amplified Alban Arthan, a luscious fireplace nightcap with subtle black cherry tartness.

Homebrewer Eric Schmehl concocted Russian Imperial Stout, a full-bodied dark ale with dark-roasted coffee-chocolate tones battling back cedar-burnt hops as well as licorice, molasses and black cherry wavers.

During March ’22 lunchtime perusal, discovered nine more fine Garden State brews one day after their sixth anniversary – including three porters.

Re-creating a flaming hot jawbreaker-candied Atomic Fireball, this spritzy Steel Pier Blonde variant lowered the red-peppered capsaicin heat and dextrin malt sugaring but maintained the cinnamon bark intensity.

Dewy peat saddled Friar Tuck’s Best, a mild English pale ale with biscuity malts.

Mild beige-paled Champear utilized sparkling champagne yeast and prickly pear tartness to soak up green grape esters (and wispy mustard seed vinegaring).

Sour yeast fermented Namasip Cherry Sour, retaining tannic cherry esters, tart hibiscus flowering, sharp Granny Smith apple notions and candied lemondrop wisps.

Perfume-cologned citrus zest graced sweet floral-daubed spicing and delicate wood tones for medium-bodied Abescon Bay IPA, merging East-West Coast styles.

Delightful fifth anniversary celebrator, Year Five Scottish Wee Heavy, let caramelized chocolate engage toffee-candied spicing, prune-dried black cherry tartness and sweet cereal graining to its dewy peat bottom.

Black coffee, dark chocolate and dried cocoa gathered for Leeds Point Porter, leaving dark-roasted hop char on its muddy mocha midst.

Bold sixth anniversary Baltic Porter VI (10% ABV) plied plum-raisin-cherry fruiting and dry anise-cumin spicing to its cold-lagered dark chocolate base.

Less intense Partigyle Baltic Porter saddled mild dark chocolate-roasted coffee tones with sedate dried fruiting and mossy compost soiling.

On quick October ’22 stopover for wife to get 4-pack of popular Blue Jersey Wheat Ale, discovered sessionable West Coast IPA, Absecon Bay. Its floral-spiced citrus zesting awakened light herbal whims and slight pine resin in a mildly creamed pale malt setting.

During February ’23 afternoon hang, met newest head brewer, Cole Branson, while downing a tidy lager celebrating a local baseball team.

Soily rice-paddied grain musk dampened the sticky orange-oiled green apple tartness of South Jersey Sand Sharks Lager, a dry golden-hazed moderation with modest corn-stalked astringency.

In June ’23, quaffed seven more fine Garden State brews.

Copper-toned Vienna Lager seeped dewy peat moss into sweet caramel malting and distant raisin-prune swoon.

Subtle caramelized chocolate sweetness anchored Upside Dunkel, picking up fruit-caked date nut breading to counter its phenol astringency.

Briny lemon lime acidulation contrasted the lemon ice pop sugaring of Sour Lime Gose, relegating its mild cologne perfuming.

Conditioned on mildly hot Habanero peppers and slightly sweet Bell peppers, Hot Blonde let light lemon spicing prickle corn-toasted amber graining.

Mild coriander-spiced mandarin orange zesting gained brisk lemon souring and a ‘splash of apple juice’ to contrast banana daquiri creaming of Pop’s Wit, leaving white peppered herbage on the tail.

Herbal-spiced orange vodka crisping received pureed banana sweetness for Sunset Beach, a leathery white peppered saison. 

Sedate rum-spiced dried fruiting trickled thru dewy tea-like Noble hop herbage and roasted chestnut snip of ethyl-fueled Belgian pale ale, Beach Cruiser.

Three months hence, September ’23, on a sunny Friday afternoon, discovered three more Garden State brews along with an updated coffee creamer.

Crisp Oktoberfest brought light tea leaf pungency to musty barnyard graining and muskily perfumed orange, apple and pear daubs.

Briskly dewy Friar Tuck English Pale Ale let peaty mossing drape brown-leafed hop astringency and desiccated orange tartness to its biscuity toasted bread bottom.

Cidery apple tartness gained mild lemony orange bittering for Harvest Apple Sour, leaving subtle crabapple-cranberry snips.

The updated Cooks Corner Cream Ale retained a sweeter soothe as milk-sugared coffee creaming picked up cappuccino, espresso and cocoa residue.

During July ’24 stopover, bought more of ever-popular Blue Jersey Blueberry Ale for wife while sucking down two previously untried elixirs.

Tart raspberry-blueberry-blackberry adjuncts gained mild woodruff syruping for briny kettle-soured Berliner Weisse, Philly Sour, leaving lemony mango-pineapple-guava wisps atop the acidulated wheat base.

Frisky wheat ale, Hot Peach Summer, a peachy delight conditioned on mildly heated habanero peppers, stayed spritzy as salty guava-watermelon snips joined the peach habanero jam-like finish.