Decent helles lager with dewy tobacco-roasted barley crisping segueing to lemony orange-candied Grand Marnier pleasantry as musky earthen hops counter gluey wheat malts down low.

On tap at Kitchen & Beer Bar, dry helles lager attaches corny rice sugaring to contrastive musty barnyard rusticity and muskily dark floral Noble hops, leaving gluey malt pasting.
On tap at Kitchen & Beer Bar, highly rated year-round Bavarian helles lager disappoints. Corny rice starching, sour lemon rotted spritz and hay-like barnyard acridity creep above buckwheat-pasted buttered biscuit base in tepid manner – despite its acclaim elsewhere.
On tap at Taphouse 15, unique Bavarian-styled golden helles lager utilizes Lukr Side Pour faucet to soften the foamily frothed creaminess heading the slightly cherrywood-mesquite smoked maize dryness and phenol hop spicing. But its desolate campfire smokiness recedes too fast, leaving some aridity along the pilsner malted bottom. On tap at Kitchen & Beer Bar ’25, cherrywood-smoked helles lager gained mesquite wood tones for weedy peat mossing and reedy cured meating. Easygoing lightweight fare despite smoky tangibles.
“Cold aged” pale straw helles lager retains amber grained pilsner malting for herbal spiced Noble hops and slight nut breading. A tidy moderation.
On tap at Taphouse 15, musky Noble-hopped lemon herbage and straw-dried mineral graining given abrupt white-green peppering above doughy bread crusting.
On tap at Ambulance, sparkling lemon spritz gains lightly spiced pilsner malting and musty barnyard graining as mild fungi musk slips thru.
On tap at Plank Pizza ’22, simply smooth helles lager provides muskily rustic Noble hop herbage, brisk lemon twist, pasty clay grouting and meager orange-oiled lemongrass snips to delicate salted cracker base, besting most stylistic competitors. On tap at Growler & Gill ’20, pleasant helles lager drapes dewy peat moss, dry stalked corn and grassy hop astringency over mild doughy wheat base. A fine rustic moderation.
On tap at Ambulance. Though spring flowered honey nectar description may be overstated, muted floral-daubed citrus spicing stays zestful as mild herbal whims waver over doughy white breading in crisply light-bodied setting.
On tap at Kitchen & Beer Bar, sedate raw-honeyed citrus dryness permeates spongy sourdough bottom, picking up mild Noble-hopped herbage to contrast slight sugar-spiced lager malts.
On tap at Plank Pizza, crisply clean bohemian lager relies on dry raw-grained minerality and salty floral herbage as grassy lemon-seeded astringency teases the musky finish.