On tap at Seven Lakes Station, common Bavarian-styled marzen lets subtle floral-spiced lemon licks engage leafy Saaz hop astringency above lightly caramelized biscuit base.

Smoothly sharp pine-toned citrus spree gathers bitter lemon-limed yellow grapefruit and orange rind dryness to contrast juicy pineapple, mango and guava tanginess. Dank pine hop musk keeps persistent bitterness rallying.
Alongside Queen City Brewery and Switchback Brewing, ZERO GRAVITY BREWERY calls the South End of Burlington home. An outgrowth of American Flatbread, this pristine brown aluminum-fronted pub opened its doors during 2015.
Inside the Beer Hall, a granite-topped L-shaped bar features white-tiled draught handles. The laminated floor gleams and a few community tables offer bar side seating. A stone hearth on the right side warms up several loungy booths and couches.
Outside, Edison lights illuminate the awning-topped tables at the wood-planked deck.
Never moving too far from stylistic parameters, most Zero Gravity brews will please mainstream imbibers as well as those with exquisite tastes. During my November ’22 midday excursion, discovered each available pouring – including a re-tasting of Madonna and Cone Head IPA’s.
At 3.2% ABV and 90 calories, Mc Lighty’s Lager retained a slickly arid phenol resonance permeating its dry lemon liming and cloy corn syruping. Strictly for passive light beer drones.
Approachable Cone Head IPA let spiced-up lemony grapefruit zesting and resilient orange rind bittering front its grassy hop astringency and dank cannabis restraint as salted mango, white peach and pineapple illusions flutter softly to the bready bottom.
Zestful lemon bluster beguiles tropical orange-peeled grapefruit and pineapple tang as oily pine resin seeps into Madonna Imperial IPA. Lemon candy, lemon curd and orange marmalade snips add tart edge.
Soothingly delicate lemony strawberry tartness caressed Strawberry Moon, an arid sour ale with mild limey bittering and fizzy pop pep over a pallid white wheat bed. Sharp blue cheese brings out a spicy citric tingle.
Dry rocky tan-headed black Irish-styled Extra Stout placed mildly creamed dark chocolate bittering next to tarry coffee-oiled bittering, hop-charred tobacco chaw and sour nut squelch above its clean watered surface.
On tap at Ambulance, tart lemony cherry spritz and limey pomelo dryness pick up mild cologne musk for thin and pallid summertime moderation.
On tap at Plank Pizza, lacquered crayon-like Nelson Sauvin hop waxing brings guava-papaya-passionfruit souring and tangy grapefruit-peach-pineapple auxiliary to mildly pined white peppering for jelly candied goodness.
Easygoing lemony yellow grapefruit vibrancy and sweet orange peel auxiliary lie above dry pilsner-malted oats base of crisply clean golden-hazed moderation. Sweetly floral-bound pineapple, peach and canteloupe illusions dip inside serene citrus entry. Delicate crystalline mouthfeel never undermines body and character.
Quenchable citrus-brightened floral bouquet welcomes easygoing IPA. Lemony grapefruit tang picks up tertiary peach, pineapple and orange illusions as grassy hop astringency gains mild pine resin above doughy wheat biscuit spine.